NI Justice Minister Naomi Long to give evidence on post-Brexit cross-border security
14 November 2020
The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee will question Northern Ireland Justice Minister Naomi Long on the implications of Brexit for tackling cross-border criminality.
- Watch the session on Parliament TV
- Inquiry: Cross-border co-operation on policing, security and criminal justice after Brexit
- Northern Ireland Committee
End of access to EU data
The UK currently has access to EU criminal databases and processes for co-operation with Ireland and other EU countries as part of the transition period. When this period ends on 31 December, this access falls away, and with it the mechanisms that had been the foundation of cross-border security co-operation.
Scope of the session
At Wednesday’s evidence session, MPs are likely to ask the Northern Ireland Justice Minister:
- what the impact of a no-deal Brexit and a loss of access to EU databases and processes on cross-border security co-operation would be;
- how effective data-sharing can be secured if the EU does not grant the UK data adequacy;
- to consider the potential merits of alternatives to the European Arrest Warrant;
- to outline efforts to address cross-border criminal activity.
The session is the third of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee’s Cross-border co-operation on policing, security and criminal justice after Brexit Inquiry.
Wednesday 18 November 2020 - remote participation by witnesses and Committee members
- Naomi Long MLA, Northern Ireland Minister for Justice
- Linda Hamilton, Northern Ireland Department of Justice.
Further information
Image: Pixabay