Academics questioned on future of UK-Ireland security co-operation after Brexit
6 October 2020
Academics specialising in EU law and UK-Irish criminal justice co-operation will give evidence to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee relating to post-Brexit future of cross-border policing and security.
- Watch Parliament TV: Cross-border co-operation on policing, security and criminal justice after Brexit
- Inquiry: Cross-border co-operation on policing, security and criminal justice after Brexit
- Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Wednesday 7 October 2020, virtual meeting
At 9.30am
- Professor Gemma Davies, Associate Professor of Law, Northumbria University
- Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas, Professor of European Criminal Law and Global Security, Queen Mary University of London
- Professor Steve Peers, School of Law, University of Essex
- Dr Amanda Kramer, School of Law, The Queen’s University of Belfast
- Dr Rachael Dickson, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham
EU laws and agreements have formed the cornerstone of such collaboration in recent years but following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU alternative forms of co-operation may become important.
The expert panel is likely to discuss;
- potential new barriers to cross-border co-operation on policing and security, and how such barriers might affect cross-border criminality;
- possible alternatives to the European Arrest Warrant;
- whether data-sharing proposals are sufficient to ensure the security of the Common Travel Area.
Further information
Image: flcikr/Stormont