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Government support for IRA victims of Gaddafi-supplied arms evidence session

8 September 2015

The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee holds the first public evidence session for its inquiry into the role of the UK Government in seeking compensation for the victims of IRA attacks made possible by the provision of Semtex and other weapons by the former Gaddafi regime.


Wednesday 9 September 2015, committee room 15, Palace of Westminster

At 9.30am

  • Matthew Jury and Jason McCue, McCue and Partners

At 10.15am

  • William Frazer and Barrie Halliday, Families Acting for Innocent Relatives, and
  • Jonathan Ganesh, Docklands Victims Association

At 10.45am

  • Kenny Donaldson and Aileen Quinton, Innocent Victims United

Further information

Image: iStockphoto
Video: Parliamentary copyright