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Prime Minister pulls out of evidence session with Liaison Committee

23 October 2019

Chair of the Liaison Committee, Dr Sarah Wollaston MP, has received a letter from the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP, stating that he will no longer give evidence to the Liaison Committee in a session scheduled to take place tomorrow (24 October), instead asking for a date to be scheduled for “5 or 6 months” after he became Prime Minister.

In a letter responding to the Prime Minister, Dr Wollaston expresses astonishment that the he has cancelled the appearance at such short notice, having already pulled out of appearances twice before.

In the letter, the Chair of the Liaison Committee expresses regret that the Prime Minister has chosen to avoid detailed questioning of his Brexit deal and broader preparations, as well as the vital issues of climate change and social policy.


A copy of the letter from the Prime Minister and Dr Wollaston's response are below:

Further information

Image: PA