Core tasks - Liaison Committee
26 November 2013
The Liaison Committee has agreed revised core tasks for departmental select committees, which were approved by the House of Commons on 31 January 2013.
Overall aim
To hold Ministers and Departments to account for their policy and decision-making and to support the House in its control of the supply of public money and scrutiny of legislation
Examine the strategy of the department, how it has identified its key objectives and priorities and whether it has the means to achieve them, in terms of plans, resources, skills, capabilities and management information
Examine policy proposals by the department, and areas of emerging policy, or where existing policy is deficient, and make proposals
Expenditure and Performance
Examine the expenditure plans, outturn and performance of the department and its arm's length bodies, and the relationships between spending and delivery of outcomes
Draft Bills
Conduct scrutiny of draft bills within the committee's responsibilities
Bills and Delegated Legislation
Assist the House in its consideration of bills and statutory instruments, including draft orders under the Public Bodies Act
Post-Legislative Scrutiny
Examine the implementation of legislation and scrutinise the department's post-legislative assessments
European Scrutiny
Scrutinise policy developments at the European level and EU legislative proposals
Scrutinise major appointments made by the department and to hold pre-appointment hearings where appropriate
Support for the House
Produce timely reports to inform debate in the House, including Westminster Hall, or debating committees, and to examine petitions tabled
Public Engagement
Assist the House of Commons in better engaging with the public by ensuring that the work of the committee is accessible to the public