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Justice Committee: weekly update

3 February 2017

At the end of sitting weeks the Justice Committee publishes a brief summary of its activities in the form of a weekly update.

This week's meeting

The Committee met on Tuesday 31 January to take evidence on prison reform: governor empowerment and prison performance, then on Wednesday 1 February to take evidence on the implications of Brexit for the justice system. 

Papers published this week

The Committee published a letter from Sam Gyimah MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, regarding a review of Independent Monitoring Boards. It also published further written evidence relating to prison reform and to implications of Brexit for the justice system.

Current inquiries

The Committee has four ongoing inquiries (with an additional sub-inquiry within Prison reform):

Future business

The Committee will meet on Tuesday 7 February to take evidence on the Government consultation on soft tissue injury claims from James Dalton, Association of British Insurers, and Neil Sugarman, Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (at 9.45am).

For further information please contact the Committee.

Further information

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