Magistrates' Association, senior judiciary and Minister share views on magistracy
1 June 2016
The Justice Committee holds its final evidence session in its inquiry into The role of the magistracy, gathering views on some of the main themes that have emerged during the inquiry.
Tuesday 7 June 2016, Committee Room 6, Palace of Westminster.
At 9.45am
- Malcolm Richardson JP, Chair, Magistrates' Association
- Sheena Jowett JP, Deputy Chair, Magistrates' Association
At 10.25am (approx.)
- The Rt Hon. Lord Justice Fulford, Senior Presiding Judge for England and Wales
- Senior District Judge Howard Riddle, Chief Magistrate
At 11.05am (approx.)
- Shailesh Vara MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Courts and Legal Aid
Purpose of the session
To seek the views of the Magistrates' Association, the senior judiciary and the Minister on some of the main themes that have emerged from evidence received by the Committee, including some of the comments and suggestions made by individual magistrates.
Further information
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