Future of the Probation Service examined
17 September 2020
The Justice Committee examines the the Future of the Probation Service which will be undergoing its second major reform programme in the last five years, with a new model of probation delivery due to be fully operational in 2021.
- Watch Parliament TV: The Future of the Probation Service
- Inquiry: The Future of the Probation Service
- Justice Committee
Tuesday 22 September 2020, virtual meeting
At 2.30pm
- Justin Russell, HM Chief Inspector of Probation, HM Inspectorate of Probation
At 3.30pm
- Suki Binning, Chief Executive Officer, Kent, Surrey and Sussex CRC (Seetec)
- David Hood, Vice President of International Business, MTC
- Adam Hart, Chief Executive Officer, The Reducing Reoffending Partnership
- Trevor Shortt, Director of Operations – Community, Sodexo
The session will cover:
- An overview of probation delivery and recent changes (including the decision to end Probation Delivery Partner Procurement)
- The new model of probation delivery
- Transition to new services
- Workforce (including the new workforce strategy and transition of staff)
- Covid-19 and the effect on the Probation Reform Programme
- Changes to how probation is inspected
Further information
Image: MoJ