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Call for Evidence

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

The Committee invites written submissions on any or all of the points below:

  • Whether the current system of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is serving young people, particularly:

          ○ those from disadvantaged backgrounds;

          ○ those who are known to the care system

          ○ those who are not in mainstream education, including home-educated pupils and those in alternative provision;

          ○ those from different ethnic minority backgrounds; and

          ○ those who have a special educational need or disability.

  • Whether and how the Government should bring responsibility for CEIAG under one body, for example a National Skills Service, to take overall responsibility for CEIAG for all ages, and how this might help young people navigate the CEIAG system.
  • Whether such a National Skills Service is best placed in the Department for Education or the Department of Work and Pensions to avoid duplication of work.
  • Whether organisations like the Careers Enterprise Company and National Careers Service provide value for money to the taxpayer.
  • How careers and skills guidance could be better embedded in the curriculum across primary, secondary, further, higher and adult education, to ensure all learners are properly prepared for the world of work
  • How schools could be supported to better fulfil their duties to provide careers advice and inform students of technical, as well as academic, pathways.

           ○ How the Baker Clause could be more effectively enforced

           ○ How the Government can ensure more young people have access to a professional and independent careers advisor and increase the take-up of the Lifetime Skills initiative.

  • Whether the proposals for CEIAG in the Government’s Skills for Jobs White Paper will effectively address current challenges in the CEIAG system

           ○ Whether greater investment to create a robust system of CEIAG is needed, and how could this be targeted, to create a stronger CEIAG


 You can submit evidence until 23:59 on Thursday 17 March 2022.

This call for written evidence has now closed.

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