Call for Evidence
The Treatment of Contracted Staff for The MoD’s Ancillary Services
- How does the Ministry of Defence decide which ancillary services are outsourced and which remain staffed by civilian employees?
- What is the level of outsourcing in services such as Guard Services, Fire and Rescue Services and catering?
- What level of saving does outsourcing provide the Ministry of Defence in the long term?
- How important are the terms and conditions of contracted staff when the Ministry of Defence considers a bid from a company? Does contracting out services result in worse terms and conditions for staff?
- Has there been downward pressure on the terms and conditions of contracted staff in recent years?
- To what extent are contracted staff treated fairly compared with their directly employed counterparts?
- To what extent are contracted staff part of the wider defence family?
- Has the outsourcing of key services damaged the link between the military and the communities that they are part of?
This call for written evidence has now closed.
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