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Call for Evidence

In Development - call for evidence

The Committee invites proposals on what it could investigate next and why, including what action is needed from the Government. We ask that these submissions are no more than 500 words, submitted by Monday 9 December. Submissions should outline the nature of the issue that the International Development Committee could explore. It must fall within the Committee’s remit, which is to examine the international aid functions of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and Offical Development Assistance (ODA) across Government departments.

Submissions should present the proposal and address its relevance for the work of the Committee and the UK. Guiding questions are:

  • Why should the International Development Committee examine this area?
  • Why is it the right time for the Committee to examine the area?
  • Why would this area benefit from parliamentary scrutiny (that is, the close investigation of Government policies, actions and spending)?
  • Why does the Government need to act in this area?
  • How could Government policy in this area be developed or improved?

Each individual or organisation should submit no more than one proposal. Where multiple proposals are submitted, only the first submitted proposal will be considered by the Committee. Please note that the Committee is not able to take up individual cases or complaints.

Helpful information to include in your submission (not part of the word count)

It would be helpful to the Committee if you could include the following information in your submission. Please note that your answers to these questions will not influence the selection process:

  • Have you ever engaged with Parliament before (e.g. made a submission to a select committee)?
    • Yes – please provide more detail (max 20 words)
    • No
  • Do you have personal or field experience related to international development issues?
    • Yes – please provide more detail (max 20 words)
    • No
  • If you are invited to pitch your idea to the Committee, would you be able to travel to London and back within the same day?
    • Yes
    • No

If you wish to submit a video, please email it to instead, with the same information requested above. Please note that we are not able to publish videos on our website, but we will be able to consider them as a submission.

Reasonable adjustments

If you need an adjustment to help you send your evidence, please get in touch with committee staff by e-mail at or call 020 7219 1223. They’ll be able to talk about what we can do to help you send your evidence, so far as reasonably practical. That might include sending it to us in a different format or giving you more time to prepare your evidence. We’ll be happy to help you.

This call for written evidence has now closed.

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