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Call for Evidence

Norton pension schemes and the Fraud Compensation Fund

The Committee would welcome submissions covering all or some of the following questions by Friday 27 October. The Committee would like to hear from Norton pension scheme members and plans to hold an event to discuss their experiences. Further information on how to register interest will be published shortly.

1. Does TPR have the powers it needs to prevent trustees acting dishonestly and in breach of their trustee duties, leading to the loss of pension scheme assets, as happened in the Norton case according to the Pensions Ombudsman;

     a) Are the right regulatory arrangements to prevent a similar case happening again;

2. Could different regulatory arrangements have delivered a faster resolution of the Norton case, or a similar case;

3. How could co-ordination with other (non-pension) bodies be improved;

4. How could communications with scheme members of collapsed pension schemes be improved while at the same time protecting scheme assets;

5. How could the process for applying to the Fraud Compensation Fund (FCF) be simplified and sped-up; and

6. What claims might the FCF expect in future and are there schemes which might be eligible but do not have the support to make a claim.


Important information about making a submission 

Please read this section before making a submission. This is particularly important for people seeking to submit written evidence based on their own experiences.

Written evidence must address the terms of reference as set out below, but please note that submissions do not have to address every point. Guidance on giving evidence to a select committee of the House of Commons is available here

How your submission will be treated  

The Committee has discretion over which submissions it accepts as evidence, and which of those it then publishes on its website. If your submission is accepted by the Committee, it will usually be published online. It will then be available permanently for anyone to view and may be found online by using search engines. It cannot be changed or removed. If you have included your name or any personal information in your submission, that will normally be published too. Please consider how much personal information you want or need to share.  

Your contact details will never be published. 

Evidence accepted by the Committee is protected by parliamentary privilege. However, if published evidence suggests that criminal behaviour has occurred, there is no bar on external bodies investigating that behaviour, which may lead them to find independent evidence which could be put before a court. 


Decisions about publishing evidence anonymously are made by the Committee. If you would like to ask the Committee to accept your submission anonymously (meaning it will be published but without your name) please tick the box when you make your submission. This lets the Committee know what you would like but the final decision will be taken by the Committee. 

If you would like to request that your submission is published anonymously, then you are responsible for ensuring you cannot be identified from your submission. Please make sure you have not included information that would allow someone to work out who you are.  

We may anonymise or redact some of your submission if it is published, even where you have not requested this.  

Confidential submissions  

The Committee may decide to accept evidence on a confidential basis. Confidential submissions remain available to the Committee but are not published or referred to in public.  

If you would like to ask the Committee to accept your submission confidentially, please tick the box when you make your submission. This lets the Committee know what you would like but the final decision will be taken by the Committee. 

We may treat submissions confidentially, even where you have not requested this.  

Information about other people in your evidence  

If you include personal information about other people in your submission (including your friends and family), the Committee may decide not to publish it. It is advisable to make your submission about your own experiences and to keep information about other people to a minimum. 

Legal cases 

We can’t publish submissions that mention ongoing legal cases. Please do not include details of an ongoing case, or details that are likely to be the subject of future proceedings, in your submission. 

This call for written evidence has now closed.

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