Call for Evidence
Terms of Reference
The Committee would welcome written submissions addressing the following questions:
- What policy changes are needed to deliver energy efficient homes across the UK?
- What are the key factors contributing to the under-delivery of the UK’s government-backed retrofit schemes?
- Which standards and assessment frameworks are needed to deliver a reliable, skilled workforce capable of transitioning UK homes to modern heating solutions?
- How might the Government support innovation in delivering local solutions?
- What role should customer choice play in the future planning of energy networks for home heating?
- Does the current state of consumer protections for low-carbon home technologies represent a barrier to uptake of these products?
- How will the public be able to afford the switch to decarbonised heating?
- How will decarbonisation plans be drawn up in each area?
- Do the current EPC frameworks help consumers make informed decisions on transition?
- Do standards need to differ for different types of housing?
- What is the role of different levels of government in developing, funding and implementing schemes?
Submissions should be no more than 3,000 words and should not include material that is already published. The deadline for submitting written evidence is 5pm on Friday 25th August.
This call for written evidence has now closed.
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