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Call for Evidence

Terms of Reference

The Committee would welcome written submissions addressing the following questions:

  1. What role did the UK grid play in the high domestic prices of winter 2022-23?
  2. What more could have been done to prevent price shocks being passed to consumer bills?
  3. How should energy companies respond if customers cannot pay their bills and what actions should they not have recourse to?
  4. Has Ofgem got its priorities right in addressing customer protection?
  5. How effective is the Government's approach towards supporting the sector and delivering a functioning energy market?
  6. Is the legislative framework on pricing controls suitable for protecting consumers?

Submissions should be no more than 3,000 words and should not include material that is already published. The deadline for submitting written evidence is 5pm on Friday 25th August.


This call for written evidence has now closed.

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