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Call for Evidence

Digital transformation in the NHS Terms of Reference

  • How can the Government communicate the benefits of digital approaches in healthcare to the public and provide assurances as to the security of their data?
  • What progress has been made in dealing with the proliferation of legacy IT systems across the NHS?
  • How do IT platforms used in NHS hospitals in England compare with those used in hospitals in the United States?
  • How can the Government effectively foster co-operation between the NHS and the private sector to both develop and implement innovation in healthcare?
  • What other functions could and should be performed on the NHS App?
  • What progress has been made in digitising health and care records for interoperability, such that they can be accessed by professionals across primary, secondary, and social care?
  • What progress has been made on making data captured for care available for clinical research through digital transformation?
  • Specifically, have lessons been learned from the success of the streamlined and accelerated nature of the RECOVERY trial, as pioneered during the pandemic by Professor Sir Martin Landray?
  • What should be the timescale for incorporating genomic data into patients’ medical records?
  • What are the principal considerations that should be taken into account in this context and what additional training of the workforce will be needed to achieve this?
  • How can the creation or exacerbation of digital inequalities be avoided when implementing digital transformation?

This call for written evidence has now closed.

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